My New Office!
It finally happened last week — my desk and chair arrived and I got organized. Say hello to my new office!!
I can’t tell you how awesome it feels to finally have a dedicated work space. A tax write-off, yes, but also a sanity guarantee.
I’m still waiting for the final touches to arrive from the Container Store, but I couldn’t wait to share it.
Creating dedicated space is special.
Temporal space. Spatial space. Boundaries are special, sacred.
I’ve always said that having a box allows me to think outside of it. But having a space also allows me to really inhabit a particular mindset.
When you create space, you’re creating opportunity.
You may be giving something up and creating space that way. One of my friends recently fired one of her clients after being put in a compromising legal position. A few days later she landed her biggest client yet.
When you make space, the universe opens for you.
My office is giving me a whole new way of looking at my business. The days of working in my pajamas are long gone — I’m playing and dreaming bigger now. And while I’m not there yet, this new space is allowing me to immerse myself in who I’m becoming.
Freakin awesome.
And can I tell you how much I love my bookshelves?
Do you have a decided space for your work?
I love and somewhat need that chair
indeed, i do have a dedicated home office … and mine just happens to be painted almost exactly the same color as yours. congratulations, i’m sure you will love working there!
Yay!! How exciting! It must feel so fantastic to have a home office. I’m looking forward to having my own sometime in the future. Enjoy!