I wish I had learned to…

play the guitar

dance like a professional + take photographs like an artist
(especially when I see Susan Yee‘s amazing photos of dancers like Tiffany)

build a campfire

play the fiddle
As I see it, there’s no reason I can’t start now…
(Anyone want to teach me?)
What do you wish you knew how to do?
{photos used under Creative Commons license: Music Guitar by Doug Wheller, Tocando el violín by Marcos Molina}
About brandi
Brandi is a digital strategist, website developer, and founder of Alchemy+Aim, a company that helps entrepreneurs and business owners elevate their online presence and enhance their digital experience. Her academic background in theatre, philosophy and physics was the perfect foundation for launching her business, where she’s worked with Brené Brown, Laverne Cox, Judy Smith, and other notable thought leaders since 2013. She is an advocate for using technology in ways that humanize, connect and serve people as well as for asking deeper philosophical questions and teaching others to think more broadly about impact when they create, particularly in STEAM fields.
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What a great list. I tried learning the guitar when I was younger, but it didn’t stick. I think I can still play an A and C, which doesn’t get me very far. But I can teach you how to build a camp fire!
I think it’s never too late to start learning things you wish you could learn. I recently returned to my dancing roots and joined a flamenco dance group, and it’s been a total blast. Go for it!
Definitely no reason not to start now… a campfire on the beach sounds pretty glorious
I say you can still learn to do all of those things. The dancing like a professional one might be the hardest one, though. I wish I would have grown up dancing ballet. I started at a young age, but my father took me out of it. I’m going to start taking adult ballet classes soon :) I would love to learn guitar too, and I want to learn French.
I definitely think you can start now. One of the lines I often have to tell myself is “if not now, when?” It usually gets me moving for at least a bit.
For me, I do want to learn to play the guitar, to draw, and to sing well again (I seem to have lost my range and pitch since I started college and stopped choir…six years ago).
I wish I continued playing the piano (despite it being forced). I also wish I continued dance (was in Varsity dance in high school).
I wish I was more self-confident in myself. I’m pretty sure I would have continued a lot of things had I just believed in myself more. Right now I’m teaching myself Japanese and French. Hopefully I can keep it up!
Beautiful photos Brandi. I wish I spoke lots languages :)
xo Mary Jo
Iahve surfing on my list but think I might be getting closer to getting a big check mark on it!! Have a nice one my friend!
oh! dannon can teach you to fiddle. you’ll just have to head on back over here to the best *ahem* i mean West coast. ;)
that’s tiffany?! i just visited susan yee’s website to find all the photos of her. they’re incredible! yay friends! and i see you’ve made a big exciting move in your life to begin your own business. how’s it going? i hope life is making its way to be everything you want it to be. you deserve it!
I’m not one to brag but I make a mean fire haha, summer is all about camping. We are going this weekend. Like Kim says if you are ever back here, that should definitely happen!
I really want to learn the cello or upright bass, just have to cough up you know 10,000 for an instrument, ha!
i have a unused guitar in one my closets. i keep needing to pick it up. i took lessons once upon a time but can’t recall a thing. i wished i learned to weave and make good pie crust.
I want to learn guitar too! Someday. I want to be able to speak Spanish fluently – it’s a work in progress…but I need to keep on it. Thanks for the reminder :)