Claiming Your Time
Originally, I had intended to take a full two weeks off around Christmas time to rest and recharge. Last December, my business was finally really beginning to pick up and, as a result, I said yes to every client who wanted to launch on January 1st. I was home, but I wasn’t really home. I was home, living in front of a computer.
That had to change.
Two weeks. I wanted two full weeks this year. I managed one. Work creeped in — a special project, work that had been delayed because I needed to care for my cat, last-minute requests.
This is the ongoing challenge of the entrepreneur: how to make time for yourself while running and growing your business.
It feels like a 24/7 job. (Doesn’t it?)
And I haven’t been taking care of myself. I haven’t given myself time to write poetry or cook nice meals or get to that awesome class at the gym.
My goal for these early 2015 months is to get the right structures into place so I have time to work in my business, to work on my business, and to have real time for myself (and for my family and friends).
First up: hiring an employee.
What do you need to do to claim your time?