Letting Go to Let it In
Sometimes, we hold on to things tightly because we’re afraid of what will happen if we let go.
Relationships, jobs, routines.
We grasp them tightly. They’re familiar, comforting.
But what happens when we know they’re not working anymore? What do we do when we know they’re not right?
It’s easy to continue our existence tethered to these things. But the adventure comes when we release them, when we open ourselves to new experiences and opportunities.
And that’s precisely where I’m at: knowing I have to let go, terrified of falling and failing, but willing to risk everything because my dreams are worth it.
What have you had to let go of in the past to get to where you are now? What do you need to release right now?
{photograph by Greg Westfall, used under Creative Commons attribution license}
Oh, I hear you. I recently left a terrible job, where I had stayed for four years because I was afraid of the instability that would come of trying to find something else. The decision to leave wasn’t an easy one, and it required a lot more letting go than I anticipated–not just letting go of the job, but letting go of the tight hold I had on my finances and my control, and allowing myself to rely on other people in my life to keep me afloat.
Like all terribly hard decisions, it has been the best one I’ve ever made.
I hope your choice to let go becomes so necessary that the fear of moving on is overcome with joy and excitement. Whatever you do, you will definitely succeed. Good luck.
I moved recently. And I feel I’m still in the process of letting go. I didn’t really want to move, but I didn’t want to stay in Oxnard either. I grew up there. It was time to leave. But I also knew that I wasn’t moving to the kind of quality environment that I’m used to. It’s closer to my job but I’m not sure I’ll ever truly be comfortable there. I suppose I have to let go of thinking that every situation in my life is going to be just the way I want it to be.