No. 202

See All the Solutions

One of the joys of being a business owner is that I’m often presented with complex problems, typically involving people but sometimes related to the way my business has been structured. The challenge I’ve given myself in these situations is to find all the solutions.

So often we only find the two most obvious “solutions” and force ourselves to choose one, even if neither is attractive. But if we found a third option or fourth option or even fifth?

We’re terribly stuck in the single-winner mindset. I win, you lose. Or you win, I lose. We forget that there are win-wins that are possible.

It definitely takes some creativity and dedicated time set aside to brainstorm. The other options may not be traditional solutions, but they may be better, more interesting choices, which push us further into evolution rather than keep us stuck in false dichotomies.

I’m in that place with my business right now: do I continue to scale even with the problems it’s creating, or do I return to the pre-scaled business structure I had?

Neither is appealing. Instead, I’m looking for a different way to do things, a new model of business that puts people first, that can adapt and grow, that can build wealth for everyone involved – our team, our clients, the world.

It isn’t easy, but success is only success if you love what you’ve created.

About brandi

Brandi is a digital strategist, website developer, and founder of Alchemy+Aim, a company that helps entrepreneurs and business owners elevate their online presence and enhance their digital experience. Her academic background in theatre, philosophy and physics was the perfect foundation for launching her business, where she’s worked with Brené Brown, Laverne Cox, Judy Smith, and other notable thought leaders since 2013. She is an advocate for using technology in ways that humanize, connect and serve people as well as for asking deeper philosophical questions and teaching others to think more broadly about impact when they create, particularly in STEAM fields.

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