Your Life Is Made Up of a Billion Little Moments
I notice this more when I’m traveling – the strange, small, beautiful moments that make my days up.
The curtains being drawn on a restaurant as the night comes to a close.
The brewery smell drifting down the city streets at night. It is quiet and the scent is rich.
The texture and curve of the wood furniture in the coffee shop.
The scone that you would call a biscuit except in the UK biscuits are cookies, and they drive on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of the car.
The way the light refuses to ever really leave, even in the middle of the night.
The sound of rain on the fabric of a tent.
The discovery of a fiddlehead fern, unfurling slowly.
The taste of white hot chocolate with lemongrass and lavender.
The camaraderie of people who have known each other their whole lives, but still invite you into their world.
I love falling into this beautiful life over and over again, in the subtlest ways.
Beautiful post! Simple gratitude are the riches of this life. Thank you for sharing.
cool post! love those small things too.